QR codes on fire extinguishers: a new word in fire safety

08/05/2024QR codes on fire extinguishers: a new word in fire safety

QR codes are becoming more and more common in our lives and can now even be seen on fire extinguishers. But why are they needed there?


Advantages of QR codes on fire extinguishers:

  • Quick access to information: The QR code on the fire extinguisher may contain a link to instructions for its use, a video demonstration or other useful information. In an emergency, this can be very important because people don't always remember how to use a fire extinguisher correctly.

You can do this using the link:



  • Updating Information: The information contained in the QR code can be easily updated. This means you will always have access to the most up-to-date information on how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Availability in different languages: A QR code can contain information in multiple languages, making it accessible to people from different countries.

You can generate text for this QR code using our best free QR code Generator:


  • Timely maintenance. In many countries, it is mandatory to refill the foam once in a certain period of time. You can set a reminder in your calendar using our QR code generator. When is the next time you need to refill your fire extinguisher:




Usage example:

Imagine that you are faced with a fire. You know there is a fire extinguisher somewhere nearby, but you don't remember how to use it. You go to the fire extinguisher and scan the QR code on it. Link in QR code


QR codes on fire extinguishers are a simple and effective way to improve fire safety. They can help people quickly and easily access information on how to properly use a fire extinguisher, which can save lives.