Basic QR codes


QR code function check templateQR code function check template
QR code function check click on meQR code function check click on me
QR code design template with text informationQR code design template with text information
QR code design template for business cardQR code design template for business card
QR code design template for Wi-Fi loginQR code design template for Wi-Fi login
QR code design template for creating eventsQR code design template for creating events
QR code design template for geographic coordinates QR code design template for geographic coordinates
QR code design template for sending e-mailQR code design template for sending e-mail
QR code design templates for calling phoneQR code design templates for calling phone
QR code design template for sending SMSQR code design template for sending SMS
Bank requisites TextBank requisites Text
Payment requisites Text 2Payment requisites Text 2
QR code Doorbell for people with disabilitiesQR code Doorbell for people with disabilities

Catalog of QR code templates


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Get inspired to create new QR codes with your own personal style!

You can select a QR code you like and transfer it to our visual QR code builder - QRoot. Then you can completely customize it to fit your needs.


There are a total of 9 main QR codes, on which others are based.


The most popular is the QR code with a link to a web page (URL)

With it, you can access countless websites with a huge variety of functions.


The rest of the 8 are basic QR codes.

Allow you to insert data into a specific program on your smartphone:

QR code with text - in Notepad

Business card QR code - in Contacts

Wi-Fi QR code - in Wi-Fi login settings

Event saving QR code in calendar - in Calendar

QR code with GEO location - on Maps

QR code for sending mail - in Mail client

QR code with phone number - in Dialer

QR code for sending SMS - in SMS client


The QR code templates themselves are translated into many languages.

This can be very useful for international business.


Our template catalog is constantly updated with new QR codes with various business functions.