Reimagine Recycling with AI and QR Codes

11/08/2024Reimagine Recycling with AI and QR Codes

Our solution for households:


With our QR code generator you can generate many different QR codes that will give the following information to users:

  • Website and contacts of the company that deals with waste removal

  • Website and contacts of a company that sorts waste

  • Instructions for sorting waste

  • Removal schedule for different types of waste

  • Inventory number of the trash bin

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Our solution for waste removal and recycling companies:


  • Smart sorting with QR codes and an AI-powered app

  • Real-time bin monitoring for optimized collection

  • Reduce costs, increase recycling rates, and improve sustainability

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Thanks to our solution based on Gemini AI, recycling companies will be able to:

  • Analyze and optimize the frequency of garbage collection.

  • Consider seasonal variations

  • Choose the optimal route, taking into account traffic jams and time of day

  • Select the right type and size of garbage trucks

  • Save on fuel and therefore pollute less



    • Global waste management market is booming.

    • Our solution caters to municipalities, waste companies, and residents.

    • Increased recycling rates through clear instructions and feedback.

    • Reduced costs with optimized collection schedules.

    • Improved sustainability by diverting waste from landfills.

    • Enhanced public engagement in a sustainable future


    318 3188364 Determination of the Optimal Garbage Truck Route For