Free QR code Doorbell, for people with disabilities.
Unfortunately, since the Soviet Union, people with disabilities have not been given due attention in the design of cities and public institutions.
Until now, there are many high curbs in cities and very few stores with ramps.
For example, even if there is a bell in the store, but let's say there are some problems with the light or with the wiring, then a person with disabilities cannot call.
Our QR code Call will help solve the problem of serving people with disabilities.
Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine has further increased the number of people with disabilities.
It is our duty to help them!
You need to:
1) Go to our QR code generator for web pages
2) Enter, for example, a link to your website with contacts or a page in Google Maps
3) Make the QR code dynamic
4) Create and go to your account in our site
5) Subscribe to email notifications
It is advisable to additionally subscribe to notifications in the Browser on the main computer or work smartphone in your store or at the reception.
So your employees will be able to see notifications about the call in the browser.
You can also use the design template of such a QR code adapted for an A5 sheet:
Specify: Doorbell.
Name of your store or organization
Please scan the QR code to get help
Yours QR code
If they do not come to you within 5 minutes.
Call the phone number:
+380(Your phone number)
Working hours:
Daily from 9:00-18:00
5) Place in a visible place at the entrance
6) If you plan to place it on the facade of the building, it is advisable to laminate the paper or order printing on polymer.
A person with disabilities just needs to scan the QR code Doorbell and you will immediately receive a notification.
Using a QR code to call is free for all private and public organizations.
To do this, write us an email and we will add free QR codes for you
If our call option does not suit your specific needs, consider placing a classic call.
For example, this one does not need electricity: