49 / 160
Selection of QR code fill color:
Backing color
Rounded corners 0
Quite zone 2
Min version 1
7% is recommended for qr codes that will not be printed. Those that will be displayed on screens.
Logo for QR code
Text for the inscription
+38 09 35 37 60 70
Add an element:
QR code
+38 09 35 37 60 70


Here's a ready-to-use template for creating QR codes to send SMS messages. It's ready to go!

Design recommendations:

 * Heading: Use a logo associated with SMS so users immediately understand the code's purpose. For instance, an image of an SMS message or a mobile phone.

 * Caption: Add a large "SMS" caption in multiple languages. This helps users from different countries easily grasp the code's function.

 * QR code placement: Avoid centering the logo within the QR code as this can hinder scanning. QR codes are often used in low-signal or no-internet areas, so quick and error-free scanning is crucial.

 * Phone number: Specify the phone number in full international format. This allows users from various countries to send SMS without extra steps.

Use cases:

  * Booking confirmation: Send an SMS with a booking confirmation code for a hotel or parking.

  * Payment for transportation: Use a QR code to pay for public transportation. For example, in France, passengers scan the code, and the payment is deducted from their mobile account.

  * Phone number registration: Verify a phone number for registration on various services.

Why this template is useful:

 * Convenience: A ready-to-use template that can be easily customized.

 * Clarity: A clear and simple design understood by users from different countries.

  * Reliability: The QR code is scanned quickly and accurately, even in low-signal conditions.


QR codes for sending SMS remain relevant and in demand even in today's world. Our template will help you create effective and user-friendly QR codes for various purposes.